This time i bring you a very special edition of Swimming Pools Of The West. We will be reviewing the two swimming pools that i visited in the fine city of Vancouver. Well know for its love of sport i was excited about the swimming opportunities that faced me.
Swimming Pool No. 1: Kilarney Leisure Centre
I visited this local pool on a rainy saturday morning and it was during the week of gloom so my spirits were not that high. However i dragged myself out of the house at 8.30am and ventured over to this pool. What i really wanted was a relaxing time and to clear my head. What i got was a whole different experience.
As i approached the centre i noted lot's of teenagers gathering for what i assumed was a football or hockey match. I thought nothing of it and carried on inside where i was greeted by literally 100 Asian seniors. 80% of them were splashing about in a high techno aqua fat class, the younger fitter men where diving and somersaulting off the diving board and the ones on the edge of death were poaching themselves in the Jacuzzi.
There were two very small lanes next to the techno section assigned for lengths and these two were filled with very slow very old people. I did a small amount of swimming and pretty much gave up as the whole thing was very distracting. I figured i would spend some time in the death soup and got out to go over to the Jacuzzi... to my absolute amazement i heard the theme tune to Harry Potter blasting across the field and groups of people running around with brooms. What i thought had been a casual saturday game of football was in fact QUIDDITCH!!! It was Amazing!
LOCATION: Out of town but close to my house, i cycled there in 10 mins
LENGTH: 1x 25m 1x 15m
WOW FACTOR: 10/10 (only for the experience... the pool itself probs a 7/100
BONUS: Jacuzzi!!! & Diving Boards!
Swimming Pool No.2: Vancouver Aquatic Centre
My second experience of swimming in Vancouver was much more tame and much more tiring I haven't been keeping up to my usual three swims per week so i struggled a little with the 50m lengths and only managed to do 25 of them. I did however greatly enjoy watching people practicing their diving and this distracted me from the very very long very very splashy pool. All in all an enjoyable swim though nothing in comparison to the first swim!
The pool itself was a little old and had seen better days and it sits inside a funny concrete bunker that reminded me of Poland not Vancouver...
LOCATION: Downtown... easy access
LENGTH: 1x 50
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