27 Jan 2014


Potential one of the best places i have ever been EVER!

I have to admit i arrived in Mexico City with a little hesitation, i wasn't sure what to expect after hearing all the bad press and reading one or two recent news articles but i was more than pleasantly surprised. This city has literally blown me away, i love everything that i have seen and experienced, from the people, parks, museums, nightlife, bars, cafes, street food and plazas to the wrestling, metro service, the never ending views, ruins and so much more. I have had the best time and i can highly highly suggest that you visit this amazing place if you get the chance. 

I took the chance to jump straight into exploring the city with the hostels excellent walking tours, we went to visit some of the food markets and sampled the local alcoholic drink Polque which is very sweet and thick and makes you feel slightly strange afterwards. There was a great group of people on the walk and we all got on straight away which made everything so much better, after the market we headed up to the Latin America Tower for the most amazing view over the city. It is unbelievable how far the city spreads and even at this height you cannot see the edges of the city half due to the pollution haze and half to the mountains hiding more and more buildings. The tour ended with bar drinks, bar snacks which include dried fish and crickets and a BBQ back at the hostel. It was a great first day and i went to sleep in high high spirits!

The rest of my time in D.F was jam packed with activities  I was lucky enough to have a long lost friend in the City from back home; Emma was kind enough to take me out to two amazing events. The first was a night of food, drinking and traditional dancing, which resulted in me being flung around a tine club high on tequila and very fast paced music which i just about managed to keep up with. The second was a trip to the famous Lucha Libra, or Mexican wrestling and some super cheap and delicious Mexican food. The wrestling was hilarious and we enjoyed cheep beers, popcorn and some heckling!

I loved Mexico City so much that i extended my stay to 9 days and took the time to walk through some of the more residencial zones over the weekend which was perfect. Nice friends from the hostel joined me and it was great to be able to have days with no plans other than to find a good coffee and a spot to sit in the sun.

To finish off my visit i took a peek around my all time favourite Frida Kahlo's house. While not much of her art is on show the building is beautiful, full of colour and is a must see for anyone who loves Frida and her amazing story. The house is also in a great area to hang out in with some nice bakeries which i took full advantage of. 

My last day arrived and i had planned to take a bus to Oaxaca but four crazy Colombians (not crazy actually very sweet) invited me to catch a ride with them to Puebla for a night and then onto Oaxaca. The next leg of my journey began with great food, sunny driving and a lot of broken Spanish. 

From the bottom...

From the top!...

If all else fails i shall marry myself...

22 Jan 2014


One Month of Mexico joy drawing to a close...

One month in and i am fully adapted to life in the sun, i have my moisturising routine down, i can disinfect my salads like a pro, i'm accustomed to wildlife (this was marked by the day i removed my first scorpion from my room alive!) and i am no longer a pasty pasty white Brit on the beach. 

My month in Sayulita was amazing and i couldn't have wished for a better introduction to Mexico, all of our day trips were amazing from jungle walking, market shopping, cliff side hiking, whale watching, fishing, trips to Puerto Vallarta, meals with friends, hammock naps and party nights filled with tequila. 

I have been planning my next few weeks with excitement and first on the list was Mexico City... with one month under my belt i said goodbye to my good friend Sunny and my mexican oracle Luisa and boarded a night bus to the capital.

Puerto Vallarta



Mexican festivities were all around during the special week of Christmas and New Year. I was lucky enough to welcomed into the Viteri household for a week of cooking crafting and sun dancing fun. In preparation for Christmas i began my yearly ritual of handcrafting gifts, this year it was cross-stitched book marks all round and some mexican themes christmas cards and tags. I was also in charge of injecting the turkey which i prepared for by watching several episodes of greys anatomy. Safe to say it was a pretty tasty turkey!

On Christmas day i brought a Wilson tradition of smoked salmon & scrambled egg breakfast with champagne followed by gift giving and then straight to the beach for a swim. It was a very enjoyable day and i was so lucky to be around great people for my first Christmas away. Thank you Viteri family for having me. 

Christmas also marked the arrival of many more visitors and the house was full of friends and family combined.   We took full advantage of our numbers and hired a boat for a day of fishing, whale watching, swimming and in my case sleeping. I chose this exact day to get food poisoning which meant i spent the morning on the boat rushing to and from the cabin with bouts of sickness! I was determined to enjoy myself so i put my best positive hat on and powered through the day. It was amazing and i will, with determined force, remember this as a great day not a sickly one! 

So the festive week was a great one filled with group fun, sunning, swimming trips to my favourite beach in San Pancho, drinking the infamous nips (tiny beers), fireworks, party's and much more.